24+ Examples of Abstract Flow Painting

Monday, November 30, 2020

Marzella by Kirchner 1909 The model in this painting is a girl named Marzella the daughter of a widow who works in the circus that Kirchner visited. Cubism flow of art Cubism is an art that uses a formalistic abstract style in its painting.

Marzella is a provocative portrayal of a young girl who hasn’t even gone past puberty.

Examples of abstract flow paintings. In this material, we will discuss twelve streams of painting that you can learn along with the meaning and examples of each of them, including romanticism and naturalism. Abstractionism is a flow of art that develops to break away from the associations or sensations of the figurative sensation of an object. 5nashar nashar is a famous painter in Indonesia who lives in Jakarta. He was born in Pariaman, West Sumatra in 1928.

Abstract painting refers to a form that is not realist or natural, which does not present a form that we recognize as an object or object that we see in everyday reality. Examples of naturalism paintings quoted from Wikipedia naturalism are one of the streams in fine arts that try to present realistic objects with an emphasis on the natural setting. This is a further deepening of the realism movement in the 19th century as a reaction to the established realism school. An object is depicted several times in the same perspective.

The flow of futurism is a flow of painting that depicts a painting object that looks like it is moving. Abstract art, understanding the historical characteristics of abstractionism, tips for making simple examples. What is meant by abstract painting is a painting that depicts unnatural and unrealistic forms.

Abstract flow of abstract flow is a flow of art whose form of delivery is not directly said to be a type of contemporary art which does not depict objects in their original form but uses colors and forms in non-representational forms. There are 2 types of abstactionism schools, namely the cubistic abstract flow which expresses pure geometric shapes and the non-figurative abstract flow which expresses feelings through lines and colors. For more details, we will discuss the material of cubism, starting from the understanding of the characteristics of figures, examples of cubism, cubism, sculpture and architecture.

Try to enjoy abstract painting without focusing on the real purpose of the painting. The fact is that some abstract artists sometimes don’t have a specific purpose when making them. This genre emphasizes the beauty of visual line motion and color as a static anti-cubism painting.

With the free flow painting technique of human, animal objects and the environment that they seek and see and are depicted with a total abstraction, the color of brightness. An example of a painting by Fadjar’s prints.